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Official Q&A: VRC 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1259: SC6 Win Point and Rollers

Tina Ngo (Event Partner)

SC6 States:

<SC6> The Autonomous Bonus is awarded to the Alliance who has scored the most Roller and Disc points at the end of the Autonomous Period. An Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that Owns two (2) Rollers, and has Scored at least two (2) Discs in their Alliance-colored High Goal at the end of the Autonomous Period

In the introduction Competition Video it states Each alliance has the opportunity to earn an Autonomous Win Point by owning both Rollers on their side of the Field and Scoring at least 2 discs in their High Goal.

There is a situation where someone's autonomous accidentally changes the roller to their opposing alliance color. For example, During the autonomous period, the Red Team Robot Shoots 2 discs into the red high goal, and turns 1 roller red. The blue team turns one roller red by mistake. This results in the red team owning 2 rollers and 2 discs in their high goal.

According to the rules of SC6 the red team gets a win point. According to the video, the red team does not get a win point as it is the opposing side of the field not their side of the field. We are to referee based on the Game Manual and Offical Q&A. Does this mean the video is wrong?

Answered by committee

Thank you for your question. As described on page 5 of the Spin Up Game Manual, "If there are any conflicts between the Game Manual and other supplemental materials (e.g., Referee Certification courses, the VRC Hub app, etc.), the most current version of the Game Manual takes precedence.

Rule <SC6> states that an Autonomous Win Point is awarded to any Alliance that Owns two (2) Rollers, and has Scored at least two (2) Discs in their Alliance-colored High Goal at the end of the Autonomous Period.

Ownership of any two (2) Rollers on the Field at the end of the Autonomous Period will qualify towards a Team's completion of the AWP tasks.