<R12g> states that
Decorations which provide visual feedback to Drive Team Members (e.g., decorative lighting) are permitted, provided that they do not violate any other rules and serve no other function (e.g., structural support).
<R14>, on the other hand, asseverates
Robots have one microcontroller. Robots must ONLY use one (1) VEX V5 Robot Brain (276- 4810). Any other microcontrollers or processing devices are not allowed, even as non-functional decorations.
How does the GDC intend for teams to control decorations which provide visual feedback to Drive Team Members?
Does the Cortex-M0 inside a V5 Smart Motor count as a microcontroller or processing device for the purposes of <R14>? How could this distinction be applied to other electronic or mechanical components?
Thank you for your time.