Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspirando estudiantes, un robot a la vez.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VRC 2021-2022: Tipping Point

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SG6 Match Affecting Recovered Rings

Pete Niemann (Event Partner)

Example: The Red alliance scores 5 rings on an alliance goal branch for 15 points. The Blue alliance descores the rings. Later in the match the red alliance regains control of that alliance goal and places 5 more rings on the branch.

If Red loses by 10 points, should referees consider the orignal 5 rings as match affecting using SG6 or do the replacement rings negate the call?

<SG6> Rings on the Alliance Mobile Goal are “safe”. Strategies intended to remove Rings which are Scored on or in an opposing Alliance Mobile Goal are prohibited. Examples of “intentional strategies” could include, but are not limited to: • Robot mechanisms or actions solely intended to “lift off” Rings from Mobile Goal Branches. • Robot mechanisms or actions solely intended to “scoop out” Rings from Mobile Goal Bases. “Knocking over” or otherwise forcefully manipulating an Alliance Mobile Goal such that Rings become removed. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the Match will result in a warning. Match Affecting offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the Head Referee’s discretion.

Answered by committee

We cannot provide an absolute ruling on this hypothetical situation. At a minimum, the original action of removing the Rings would be considered a warning of SG6 to the Team in question. Whether it was considered a Match Affecting violation or not would be extremely context-sensitive, depending on factors such as the following:

  • Under what circumstances the original Rings were removed from the Alliance Mobile Goal (e.g. if it meets any of the examples of "intentional strategies" listed in SG6)
  • What circumstances the red Alliance went through to replace the 5 Rings (e.g. if there were any other Match Affecting implications of the illegal action)
  • Any prior warnings or violations