Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Quantum's Midseason Mayhem Invitational

VRC, Blended MS&HS, In-Person with Hybrid Judging. (Online Notebook Submission and In-Person Team Interviews)

3-Dec-2023 Add to Calendar
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
6-Nov-2023 20:00 EST
Registration Deadline
29-Nov-2023 20:00 EST
Payment Deadline
24-Nov-2023 04:00 EST
This event is closed to registration because:
  • This event currently has no spaces available.
  • It is past the registration deadline.

Allgemeine information

Welcome to Quantum's Midseason Mayhem! We are so excited to see this year's compeittion in full swing in the second Ignite Robotics tournament of the 2023-2024 Season!

This event is an invitational, however we will have addtional spots for any team that would like to compete. If you would like to compete at this event, please register and pay after the event opens on November 3rd.

We will be running skills from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM on Saturday, December 2nd! Your robot must be inspected to participate. 

Klassenstufe: All

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 3-Dec-2023

Lake Washington High School
12033 Northeast 80th Street
Kirkland, Washington 98033
United States


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7:30 Doors open and inspection opens

9:00 Skills Opens

9:00 Drivers meeting 

9:00 Inspection closes

9:15 Qualifications and judging 

12:00 Lunch

1:15 Qualifications and judging

4:00 Alliance selection

4:15 Eliminations

5:30 Cleanup

5:50: Awards Ceremony 

Sich freiwillig melden

If you are interested in volunteering as an inspector, referee, judge, or runner please contact [email protected]


Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

In case of inclement weather, we will attempt to reschedule the event first. 

Refund and Payment Policies

There will not be refunds for the event regardless of circumstances. It is expected that teams utilize the RobotEvents system to handle event payments prior to attending the event.


lower division -

upper division -

Judging Format

Hybrid Judging - The Team Interviews will be held In-Person during the event. Teams should submit a copy of their notebook online via RobotEvents by November 30th at 11:59PM.