Notre Dame Over Under League
Blended VRC HS/MS Region 3
- Datum
- 14-Oct-2023 - 2-Dec-2023
- Veranstaltungscode
- RE-VRC-23-2159
- Programm
- VEX V5 Robotics Competition
- Veranstaltungsart
- League
- Event Format
- In-Person
- Field Control System
- Smart Field Control
- Kapazität
- 24
- Verfügbare plätze
- 0
- Event Region
- Michigan
- Standard Registration Opens
- 14-Aug-2023 16:00 EDT
- Registration Deadline
- 1-Nov-2023 16:00 EDT
- Payment Deadline
- 7-Oct-2023 22:28 EDT
- Preis
- $100.00
- This event currently has no spaces available.
- It is past the registration deadline.
Allgemeine information
Thank you for your interest in the South-Eastern Michigan VEX league, for VRC teams of all ages. This is a Saturday afternoon league. There will be two regular (qualification) sessions and then a combined qualification 3/finals session. The qualification sessions would be short with only about 4 matches per team and no judging. The final event will have 3 or 4 more qualification matches per team, alliance selection, elimination rounds, judging, and awards.
Leagues are an ideal training ground for new teams. Experienced teams can use the league sessions to try out new ideas and work out issues in real matches but in a less competitive environment.
Event Schedule
- Qualification Session 1, Saturday 10/14
- Qualification Session 2, Saturday 11/4
- Qualification Session 3, Finals/Awards, Saturday 12/2
Klassenstufe: All
Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja
Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks
Event Dates & Locations
Datum: 14-Oct-2023
1300 Giddings Road
Pontiac, Michigan 48340
United States
Datum: 4-Nov-2023
1300 Giddings Road
Pontiac, Michigan 48340
United States
Datum: 2-Dec-2023
1300 Giddings Road
Pontiac, Michigan 48340
United States
You must login to contact this Event PartnerAgenda
Qualification Sessions 1 and 2
11:30 AM - Doors open. Please do not arrive before 11:30. The doors may be unlocked, but another group uses the facility and will not be out until 11:30.
12:00 noon - Inspections begin, skills field opens
12:30 - Opening ceremonies, Drivers meeting
12:45 - Qualification matches begin
4:00 - Qualification matches end. If matches end early, the match field will be used for skills until 4 PM.
Qualification Session 3 / Finals (Dec 2)
24 hours before the event, digital notebooks must be submitted
Friday 12/1
3 to 6 PM Skill field open, inspections begin
Saturday 12/2
8:30 AM - Skills field opens; inspections continue
12:00 PM - Final check-in; all teams must arrive by this time
12:00 - In-person judging interviews begin
12:15 - Opening ceremonies, Drivers meeting
12:30 - Qualification matches begin
3:30 - Qualification matches end; judging concludes
3:45 - Alliance Selection
4:00 - Elimination matches begin; Awards begin
5:00 - Awards conclude; cleanup
6:00 - Building closes
Sich freiwillig melden
Assistance with queueing, refereeing, scorekeeping, judging, field reset, setup, breakdown, and the sharing of field/game elements is always welcomed.
Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen
Sessions that are canceled due to bad weather or other one-time disruptions will be rescheduled within the same calendar year.
The entire league will be postponed or reorganized if a state-wide shutdown order is issued due to a health emergency.
Refund and Payment Policies
Sorry, no refunds unless the event is canceled.
Judging Format
- Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. A submission deadline that may be scheduled ahead of the event date.