Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Nevada VEX V5 Robotics Competition State Championship

High School

8-Mar-2025 Add to Calendar
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
12-Nov-2024 08:00 EST
Registration Deadline
26-Feb-2025 12:00 EST
Payment Deadline
17-Feb-2025 12:00 EST

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Nevada V5RC State Championship

Welcome teams! We are excited for you to attend the 2025 Nevada High School State Championship!  The Stakes have never been higher as alliances battle head-to-head trying to out score and climb higher than their opponents in order to become this year's Nevada State Champions! 

Qualifying for The 2025 VEX Robotics World Championship

This championship event will qualify 8 Nevada teams for the 2025 VEX Robotics World Championship:

  • Excellence Award (1)
  • Tournament Champions (2)
  • Tournament Finalist (2)
  • Robot Skills Champion (1)
  • Design Award (1)
  • Innovate Award (1)

If a team double‑qualifies, the extra spot will be awarded to the next unqualified high‑school team who is ranked highest in the Robot Skills Challenge at the 2025 Nevada V5RC HS State Championship. These do not include scores posted prior to the state championship. 
See the official Qualifying Criteria for more details.

Competition Fields Information:

3 Main competition fields will be on the floor and use the portable competition field and controlled by VEX Smart Field Controllers.
2 Robot Skills Challenge fields will be on the floor and use the portable competition field.

Practice fields will be mix of the metal competition field perimeters and portable fields.

The Nevada High School VEX V5RC State Championship will be held at:
     Green Valley High School
     460 N. Arroyo Grande Blvd
     Henderson, NV 89014

Please park on the West side of campus in the general student parking lot. Enter the school through the main entrance by the flagpole. 

On-site concessions will be sold throughout the day.  Pizza will be sold during the lunch break.  Contact the Event Partner if you would like to pre order.

Skills Challenges
All teams will be offered exactly 3 attempts of each Robot Skills Challenge (3 Driving and 3 Programming). If your team misses their chance to complete their attempts during the time provided, they cannot be made up.  Skills will close at the end of qualifying matches. NO EXCEPTIONS.

General Information
Grade Level: All
Skills Challenge Offered: Yes
Judging Format: In Person Interviews/Digital Engineering Notebooks


Team Event Preparation

  1. Review the rules and run through the inspection checklist about a week before the competition so that there is ample time for adjustments. The Inspection Checklists can be found here:  V5RC Inspection Checklist
  2.  Check the official VEX forums for rule updates and changes.
  3.  Carefully read all of the information contained in the tournament posting on
  4. Be sure to read "Attending a V5RC Tournament"
  5. Review the descriptions and criteria for the awards that are being given during the tournament
  6. Prep for your interviews with the judges. Check the awards tab to see what awards will be given during the tournament.
  7. Remember that safety comes first, please don't bring tools that pose a safety risk to your team, or others nearby as the venue is a very tight fit. Also, remember no grinding or other actions that create sparks.
  8. Understand how the game will be played. VEX participants are more than welcome to do the referee training before they attend a tournament. The referee certification course can be found here.
  9. Read through the Robot troubleshooting guide. The guide can be found here.
  10. Ensure that you have the latest version of firmware.
  11.  Pack for the event the day before the day of departure. Here are a few items that you don't want to forget.
  • Goggles/Safety Glasses
  • Spare parts & tools
  • Batteries and chargers
  • Programming cable
  • Power strip
  • Laptop computer
  • Engineering notebook (required for Design and Excellence Awards)
  • Banners and other decorations for your team pit
  • Giveaways if you have them

Klassenstufe: High School

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 8-Mar-2025

Green Valley High School
460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.


Agenda for Nevada State High School VRC Championship Tournament

Friday March 7, 2025

130: PM  Gym Opens for Field and Pit set up (Teams encourged to come help set up tables and Fields)

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM Inspection open for teams wishing to complete inspection early.

3:00 PM - 6:00 Skills Field Open to teams that help with set up and pass inspection

 Saturday March  8, 2029

7:00 AM: Doors open. Registration and pits open. 

7:15 AM – 8:15 AM: Inspections open. All robots must be inspected by 8:15 AM

8:00 AM Judges Meeting

8:15 AM Referee/Score Keeper Meeting

8:45 AM: Opening Ceremonies

9:00 AM:  Drivers meeting/Match Schedule Distibution

9:15 AM -  12:00 PM: Qualification matches

9:15 AM - 2:30 PM: Robot and Programming Skills (Closed During Opening Ceremonies and from 12-12:45 for Lunch Break)

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM: Lunch

12:45 PM - 3:30PM: Qualification matches continue

3:45 PM: Alliance Selection

4:15 PM: Elimination matches

5:15 PM: Finals

5:30 PM: Awards

6:00 PM: Clean up and Good night!!! 

* Please note that the schedule may change throughout the day.  Please be sure to listen for announcements. 

Sich freiwillig melden


Events like these can't exist without the amazing support of students, parents, teachers, and our local community.  Adult and student help is always welcomed.

If you are interested in Volunteering, please click on the link to complete the volunteer form.

To see all available Volunteer role descriptions please click the link below.


4 Certified Head Referees needed (Adult Volunteer Position, minimum age 20 years old)

2 Certified Judge Advisors need (Adult Volunteer Position, minimum age 20 years old)

If you have questions please contact Andy Agan at [email protected]

Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

This is an indoor event.   While emergency weather conditions are not expected,  reasonable effort will be made to inform teams of any rescheduling or cancellations  due to emergency/bad weather.  Please contact Andy Agan ([email protected]) if weather is a concern and please monitor the event status on Robot Cancellations will be posted there.

Refund and Payment Policies

No Refunds except for extreme circumstances determined by the event partner.

Payment:  All teams must pay online by February 17, 2025 at 11:59pm or that team will be dropped.  Only on-line payments will be accepted.  

Health and Safety Policies

Health and Safety Policies

NOTE: Safety information will be updated in the early fall to reflect the current requirements for schools in our area.

COVID Information

Face Coverings
Face coverings will be optional for everyone, everywhere throughout the tournament, in the stands, pits, and at the fields.

Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations at the tournament venue. Teams and spectators are encouraged to bring their own sanitizer as well. Please use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day particularly after leaving the competition field.

Concessions will be available.

Spectators are allowed at this time, if that changes the team coaches will be notified.

Team Health
Please monitor the health of your team. We trust that everyone keeps their teams informed of their health as related to COVID infection. Anyone with potential COVID symptoms or possible COVID exposure should not attend the tournament.

Pit Tables
We will provide extra space between tables in the pit area and the walking areas from the pits to the competition field. We will provide enough space so that there is proper spacing between team tables and a larger spacing between organizations. Individual teams will be grouped together at one table.

Competition Fields
We will be using three (3) competition fields, two (2) skills field, and one (1) practice field. Robots and drivers will need to arrive ready to compete. 

Changing Conditions
We might need to make adjustments to our event due to local and state COVID guidelines.  The team coaches will be notified of any changes as we get closer to the event.

Date: 8-Mar-2025
Green Valley High School
460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States


Green Valley High School
460 North Arroyo Grande Boulevard
Henderson, Nevada 89014
United States

If you are traveling from out of the area, the closest hotels to Green Valley High School are:

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Henderson
Address441 Astaire Dr, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone(702) 990-2323

Hampton Inn & Suites Las Vegas-Henderson
Address421 Astaire Dr, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone(702) 992-9292

Sunset Station Hotel & Casino
Address1301 W Sunset Rd, Henderson, NV 89014
Phone(702) 547-7777

Judging Format

Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation  via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. Notebooks should be submitted by 2/17/2025












8 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

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