Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

RoboBucs Winter Rumble #3

V5RC, Blended HS/MS, All In Person Judging

14-Dec-2024 Add to Calendar
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
VEXNet Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
Max Registrations per Organization
Early-Bird Registration Opens
3-Sep-2024 20:00 EDT
Standard Registration Opens
2-Nov-2024 20:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
30-Nov-2024 12:00 EST
Payment Deadline
29-Nov-2024 12:00 EST

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Allgemeine information

Welcome to the RoboBucs Winter Rumble #3 State Qualifier Event

This will be held in the GYM with the pits in the CAFETERIA and WRESTLING ROOM. Spectators are welcome.

Please be sure to complete the online participation release form.

We are planning on in-person interviews with notebooks turned in at registration.



Klassenstufe: All

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: All In-Person Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 14-Dec-2024

Newell Barney College Prep
24937 South Sossaman Road
Queen Creek, Arizona 85142
United States


You must login to contact this Event Partner


7:30AM - Doors open, Team check-in begins
7:45AM - Inspection opens
8:00AM - 9:30AM - Skills Open
9:30AM - 9:45AM - Drivers Meeting
10:00AM - 12:00PM - Qualifying Matches, Skills Open
12:00PM - 1:00PM - Lunch, Skills Open
1:00PM - 3:15PM - Qualifying matches, Skills Open
3:15PM - 3:30PM - Scheduled Break
3:30PM - 3:45PM - Alliance selection
4:00PM - 5:00PM - Finals
5:00PM - Clean-up & Awards

Sich freiwillig melden

Please click THIS LINK to sign up as a volunteer.

T-Shirts and lunch (with dietary considerations) provided for all volunteers.

Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

There will be no refunds for bad weather.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

All but the fees will be refunded.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:

There will be no refunds.

Teams not paid by December 1st will be moved to the wait list


Judging Format

All In-Person Judging - The Team Interviews and Engineering Notebooks will be judged in-person the day of the event. Teams should bring a physical copy of their notebook to submit to the judges












0 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

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