Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

JCR Invitational V5RC High Stakes Blended League

Middle School and High School Teams

5-Dec-2024 - 16-Jan-2025
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
VEXNet Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
Standard Registration Opens
5-Aug-2024 14:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
28-Nov-2024 14:00 EST
Payment Deadline
22-Dec-2024 14:00 EST

Login to Register

Allgemeine information

**When the event fills at 24 teams, we WILL try to accommodate as many local schools as the venue can hold.  Please add any local teams you wish to add to this event to the waitlist, and I will try to get them in if the venue can accommodate them adequately.**

Register into the Waitling list to be considered for this League.

How to be added to the event:  If you would like to add your team to the invitational league, you will need to add the teams you wish to register to the waitlist (located on the Waitlist tab).  Feel free to email me if you need help with this process.  We aim to give priority to those teams located in the ECI area.

Skills will be offered before the start of matches (this will stop 10 minutes prior to match #1) and on an independent field when space is available.  Teams will be guaranteed at least 3 attempts of each during the duration of the league.  This is not required, but will be available.  There will NOT be dedicated practice fields.

Qualifying Event #1


Qualifying Event #2


Qualifying Event #3


Championship Event



Klassenstufe: All

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: No Judging

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 5-Dec-2024
Jay County Jr-Sr High School
2072 Indiana 67
Portland, Indiana 47371
United States
Datum: 12-Dec-2024
Jay County Jr-Sr High School
2072 Indiana 67
Portland, Indiana 47371
United States
Datum: 9-Jan-2025
Jay County Jr-Sr High School
2072 Indiana 67
Portland, Indiana 47371
United States
Datum: 16-Jan-2025
Jay County Jr-Sr High School
2072 Indiana 67
Portland, Indiana 47371
United States


You must login to contact this Event Partner


5:00PM - Doors open for teams (inspection will occur during this time, please come prepared)

5:00 PM - Main field open for skills attempts (this will be handled on a first come, first serve basis as volunteer numbers allow)

5:45PM - Last call for teams (Primary contacts will be called at this time if a team is missing)

5:45PM - Brief Team Meeting

6:00PM - Matches will begin (2-3 matches per night/per team)

7:45PM - Matches conclude

8:00PM - Doors Close, thanks for coming!

**This is subject to change**

Sich freiwillig melden

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please complete the following form, or email Kyle Love ([email protected]) for more information.


We are willing to help train "key volunteers" in the roles of EP, TM operator and referee if desired.

Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

If bad weather occurs, we will find an alternative date that will work for most teams and reschedule the event that is affected.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: Refunds will be issued minus the $5 Robot Event Fees.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend: 

All requests for refunds made 3 weeks prior to the event will be refunded. (Refunds will be minus the processing fee from

Judging Format

There are no judged awards at this event.


This is subject to change.

Concessions will be offered.  Many offerings are limited each night, so make sure you check out the stand early.  Proceeds directly affect Jay County Robotics.


Hot Dog………………………..…………………………. $1.50

(Hot dogs are Fisher’s hot dogs and coney sauce is Fisher’s coney sauce)

Coney Dog……………………………....……………… $2.50

BBQ Pork Sandwich…………………………………..… $3.00

(BBQ Pork is Fisher’s BBQ Pork)

Chips…………………………………………………….... $0.50

Fisher Snack Stick..…………………………………..…. $1.00

(Available in BBQ, Original and Jalapeno Cheddar)



Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite…………………………………….. $1

Water……………………….…………………………….... ....$1



Candy Bar……………………………………………...... $1.50

Sour Candy….…………………………………………….$1.50


League night events are held in the commons (for IQ) and Mr. Love's room (for VRC).  Seating is not provided for spectators.  Spectators are allowed to bring in chairs.  We will ask for spectators cooperation in Mr. Love's room during the VRC matches to make sure those of teams who are currently competing can view the competition.  IQ should have ample viewing opportunities, but we also ask that those teams cooperate and make sure teams competing can get priority view of the field. 

Thank you for your understaind and cooperation.












0 teams are on the waitlist for this event.

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