Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Pickens Middle VEX V5 Robotics Competition

MS/HS Tournament

14-Dec-2024 Add to Calendar
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
South Carolina
Max Registrations per Organization
Early-Bird Registration Opens
13-Aug-2024 12:00 EDT
Standard Registration Opens
2-Nov-2024 12:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
6-Dec-2024 12:00 EST
Payment Deadline
6-Dec-2024 12:00 EST

Login to Register

Allgemeine information

The tournament will take place in the gymnasium.  Pits will be located in the cafeteria.  Notebooks should be turned in to Robot events the Monday before comeptition to give the judges tiem to review them.

Klassenstufe: All

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 14-Dec-2024

140 Torch Dr
140 Torch Drive
Pickens, South Carolina 29671
United States


You must login to contact this Event Partner


7:45am am doors open for Registration

8:00am Inspection begins

8:45am Drivers meetring

9:00-12:00 Skills fields will be open 

9:00an -12:00 Qualification matches

12::00 Alliance Selections

12:15-12:45 Lunch

1:00pm Elimination matches

3:00pm Awards will be presented 

3:15pm venue closes.

Sich freiwillig melden

If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact teh volunteer coordinator Abby Shiferl, [email protected] or event partner Melissa Riddle, [email protected]

Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

In case of bad weather, the decision to cancel the event will be made by the SDPC and all coaches/team contacts will be notified by email as soon as that decision is made.  The event will try to be rescheduled.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

The registration fee less the $5.00 REC fee will be returned.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:

Registration fee will only be refunded minus the $5.00 REC fee if another team can be found to replace the canceling team.

Judging Format

 Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation  via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents. A submission deadline is the Monday before competition..












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