Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

No Way Snow Day!

VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes HS/MS Qualifier

14-Dec-2024 Add to Calendar
VEX V5 Robotics Competition
Event Format
Field Control System
Smart Field Control
Verfügbare plätze
Event Region
Max Registrations per Organization
Standard Registration Opens
5-Jun-2024 12:00 EDT
Registration Deadline
4-Dec-2024 12:00 EST
Payment Deadline
14-Nov-2024 12:00 EST
This event is closed to registration because:
  • It is past the registration deadline.

Allgemeine information

Welcome to the second year of No Way Snow Day!  - the only V5RC event in the London-St. Thomas area! We are excited to host 40 teams and look forward to offering head to head competition & skills competitions for the 2024-2025 High Stakes VEX V5 Robotics Competition. 

We have partnered with Canadian charity, Just Cause Education Outreach (@justcausecanada) for this event. This STEM education focussed charity has developed a robotics program in Uganda, Africa called the "Ugandan Robotics League" (aka the URL), and this event will be supporting their 2025 championship tournament in Jinja, Uganda. A robotics parts and computer/tablet tech drive will be taking place at No Way Snow Day as well. The items collected will be brought over in March to the Ugandan youth teams. We welcome any VEX EDR, V5, VEX IQ (any gen) parts donations as well as LEGO robotics and past game elements from any competition your team has been involved with. Please conact us for more information.

Grade Level: High School/Middle School

Skills Challenge Offered: Yes

Judging Format: In Person Interviews

Payment (within 2 weeks of sign up): e-transfer of $210 to [email protected]

Klassenstufe: All

Herausforderung der roboterfähigkeiten: Ja

Judging Format: Remote Engineering Notebooks

Event Dates & Locations

Datum: 14-Dec-2024

St. Joseph's High School
100 Bill Martyn Parkway
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7

Contact the Event Partner

You must login to contact this Event Partner

Code of Conduct

The REC Foundation considers the positive, respectful, and ethical conduct of teams to be an essential component of the competition. Participants are expected to behave in a respectful and professional manner, and to operate as student-centered teams with limited adult assistance. This includes all students, teachers, coaches, mentors, parents, and spectators associated with a team.

For more details, please refer to the REC Foundation Code of Conduct and Student-Centered Policy. If you have concerns about compliance with the Code of Conduct, please speak to the Event Partner during the event.



Check-in & Load in: 9:00 am

9:15am-10:00 am Inspection

10:00am-12:00 pm Judging, Qualifying Matches & Skills Competition:

Lunch: 12-12:35 pm

12:35pm to 4:00 pm Judging, Qualifying Matches & Skills Competition

4:00pm Skills Field Closes

4:05pm: Alliance Selection

Eliminations: 4:15-5:30 pm

Awards: 6:00 pm

Venue Closes: 6:30 pm

Sich freiwillig melden

If you are interested in volunteering to help out at the event please email: [email protected] 

Richtlinie für not-/schlechtwettersituationen

Teams are advised to watch for weather or emergency related cancellations. If the tournament must be cancelled or postponed the name of the tournament will change to "Cancelled" or "Postponed". In the event of a cancellation or postponement teams will be sent additional information to their contact person via email.

Please call Kathy Cepo: 519-709-9587 if you have questions.

Refund and Payment Policies

If the Event Partner cancels the event: 

This situation is pretty unlikely, but a full refund will be provided.

If a Coach/Mentor completes registration for the event then chooses to withdraw or not attend:

Once a team has paid the registration fee, no refunds will be given.

Note: Teams have 2 weeks after registration to pay for this event. unpaid teams will be moved to the waiting list. Unpaid registrations can only hold a team's spot at this event for a maximum of 2 weeks.


Date: 14-Dec-2024
St. Joseph's High School
100 Bill Martyn Parkway
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7


Event Venue: 

St. Joseph's High School
100 Bill Martyn Parkway
St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7

Parking: Free on site

Convenient Hotels:

Comfort Inn St. Thomas

Best Western Stoneridge Inn & Conference Centre

Lamplighter Inn & Cenference Centre London


Live from 10-6:30pm in YouTube

Judging Format

Digital Engineering Notebook Submissions / In Person Team Interviews: Team interviews will be conducted in-person at the event. Engineering notebooks will be submitted digitally for evaluation via a link found within the "My Account" panel of the team contact on RobotEvents.

Engineering Notebook Submission deadline is December 13th @ 3pm