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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1916: <G12> Determining if an Autonomous Violation should be in Match Affecting Calculations

Dale Nacianceno

<G12> All rules still apply in the Autonomous Period.Teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots at all times, including during the Autonomous Period. Any Violations committed during the Autonomous Period that affect the outcome of the Autonomous Bonus—whether they are Match Affecting or not—will result in the Autonomous Bonus being automatically awarded to the opposing Alliance.

Q&A 1694:

If their score is 0-5 points higher than their opponent's, the infraction has affected the outcome of the Autonomous Period and the Autonomous Bonus should be awarded to their opponent as described in rule <G12>.


During the Autonomous Period, Red enters Blue Goal while scoring 1 Red Triball, breaking <SG8> (d). At the end of the Autonomous Period, Red is ahead by 2 points. Q&A 1694 states that the Autonomous Bonus should be awarded to Blue. No other rules are broken, and Red wins this Match by 1 point.

Should the Red Robot that violated <SG8> be DQ'ed? One could argue that their illegal action should not be in the Match Affecting calculations, since they caused the score difference to go from +0 to +6 for Blue.

Answered by committee

Note: The game manual update on April 2nd included more comprehensive guidance on how rule Violations that occur during the Autonomous Period will be handled by Head Referees at the VEX World Championship. This answer does not apply to matches at the VEX Robotics World Championship.

Because the red Alliance earns 5 points for the Triball that was illegally scored during the Autonomous Period, those 5 points should still be considered when determining whether the Violation was Match Affecting. The Red Alliance should receive a DQ for that <SG8> Violation if they win the match by 5 or fewer points, or if they tie.