Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1700: Can the offensive robot touch the tiles in the neutral zone during autonomous?

Tim Hower

Can the offensive robot touch the tiles in the neutral zone during autonomous?


<SG9> Stay in your starting Zone during Autonomous. During the Autonomous Period, Robots may not contact foam tiles, Triballs, or Field Elements on the opposing Alliance’s side of the Neutral Zone, or in the opposite Offensive Zone from which they began the Match.

Reading this makes me think the offensive robot can touch the tiles in the neutral zone and the defensive robot can't cross the double white line. Whats throwing me off is figure 19 in the PDF on page 18 of the v2.1 manual. That figure shows the double white line as the autonomous line.

Answered by committee

Can the offensive robot touch the tiles in the neutral zone during autonomous?

Yes. To ensure that Robots in their Offensive Zone have ample space to score Triballs in their own Goals, they can cross the Autonomous Line and contact tiles within the Neutral Zone. However, as you quoted from rule <SG9>, they cannot contact tiles, Triballs, or Field Elements on the other side of the Neutral Zone or in the opposite Offensive Zone.