Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1690: Contacting Outside PVC Pipe of the Goal


The definition of Goal states "For the purposes of scoring, the “Goal” refers specifically to the three-dimensional volume bounded by a vertical projection of the outermost PVC pipes onto the field and below the surface of the net."

Rule <SG8> states "During the time when an Alliance meets the definition of Double-Zoning , opposing Robots are permitted to “break the plane” of the Double-Zoning Alliance’s Goal, such as to remove Triballs."

The fourth point of Rule <SG8> states "This rule only applies during the Driver Controlled Period. Entering an opponent’s Goal is not permitted at any time during the Autonomous Period."

Does contacting the outside of the outermost PVC pipes count as "breaking the plane" of goal (making it not permitted in autonomous)?

Thank you!

Answered by committee

Does contacting the outside of the outermost PVC pipes count as "breaking the plane" of goal (making it not permitted in autonomous)?

Based on the definition of Goal, as quoted in your question, it may be possible for a Robot to contact the outermost surface of the PVC support of the Goal without breaking the plane of the Goal. However, this distinction may be impossible for a Head Referee to see during a Match. Therefore, a Robot that uses contact with the PVC supports as part of their Autonomous or Match strategy does so with a reasonable chance of an <SG8> Violation and any resulting penalties.