Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1686: Flying Triballs and <SG9>

Spencer Vaughan (Event Partner)


As per <SG9>

Robots may not contact foam tiles, Triballs, or Field elements on the opposing Alliance's side of the Neutral Zone

Are triballs considered in the opposing neutral zone if they are midair? For instance, if a robot were to pick up a triball during autonomous and fire it across the field, if another robot had deflected it or contacted it whilst the triball was midair (perhaps an overhanging component which was not contacting the field tiles), would this robot have violated SG9 as the triball was over the vertical projection of the neutral zone and not contacting the gray foam tiles?


Answered by committee

Both the Neutral Zone and Offensive Zones are defined as the gray foam tiles themselves, not a 3-dimensional volume. Although <SG9> does not explicitly state this, it is intended to follow the same convention, i.e. refer to Triballs which are on the foam tiles. A Triball which is contacted while airborne is considered fair game (unless, of course, other rules are Violated in the process of doing so).