Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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Clarification on <SG7> and interactions between two robots.

Spencer Vaughan (Event Partner)

At a recent competition, two robots with flat surfaces on their robots had driven perpendicular to one other another, in doing so the two robots had created a concave shape which was used to control the movement of multiple triballs.

Given that neither robot violated <SG7> independently, we wanted to determine whether or not seperate interactions and/or actions of robots would lead to a violation.


Scenario 1: Two robots on the same alliance have never teamed up together before, both robots are moving in a manor which has created a concave portion between the two robots, the teams do not notice but have collected numerous triballs and have moved them towards the goal as a part of their shared movement, despite the fact this was hard to pull off, or to replicate in another game, the robots had not violated any rules, but by moving in this fashion had incidentally broken a rule which would normally be disallowed, would it be correct to assume that this team would not receive any punishment over this action as neither robot violated any rules?

Scenario 2: Two robots from the same organisation select each other during alliance selection, the robots have been designed to complement one another. Without violating any game rules, these two robots are able to move together and have planned a strategy to possess excessive amounts of triballs by creating a concave portion between the robots, would it be correct to assume that this is a legal game strategy as neither robot is violating any rules?


Answered by committee

Rule <SG7> (and pretty much all VRC rules, for that matter) are only intended to apply to one Team / Robot.

Provided that no Robot individually Possesses multiple Triballs at any time, both scenarios you describe would be legal.