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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1638: Blocking Auton Routes with Wings

Tina Ngo (Event Partner)


We would like clarification on teams blocking the Alliance Goal with their wing mechanisms that do not touch the tile on the opposing side. <SG9> has a note stating: Intentional, strategic, or egregious violations, such as intentional contact with an opposing Robot while contacting the foam tiles past the Neutral Zone, will be considered Major Violations.

If the red alliance blocks the blue alliance goal with their wing mechanism that does not touch the ground, is that a violation of SG9 for Intentional or strategic contact with an opposing robot or triball?

If the blue alliance robot contacts this wing, or shoots a triball that contacts this wing, does the blue alliance robot have benefit of the doubt as stated in <SG10> if it results in them possessing two or more triballs or tipping the red alliance robot so they contact the tile on the opposing side?

Answered by committee

If the red alliance blocks the blue alliance goal with their wing mechanism that does not touch the ground, is that a violation of SG9 for Intentional or strategic contact with an opposing robot or triball?

If the red Alliance Robot in this scenario is not contacting the tiles, Triballs, or Field Elements (including the Goal) on the blue side of the Autonomous Line, they are not in Violation of rule <SG9>. Your question omitted an important part of that <SG9> note (bolded here for emphasis): “Intentional, strategic, or egregious violations, such as intentional contact with an opposing Robot while contacting the foam tiles past the Neutral Zone, will be considered Major Violations.”

If the blue alliance robot contacts this wing, or shoots a triball that contacts this wing, does the blue alliance robot have benefit of the doubt as stated in <SG10> if it results in them possessing two or more triballs or tipping the red alliance robot so they contact the tile on the opposing side?

By entering the Neutral Zone and/or reaching across the Neutral Zone into the blue Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line, the red Alliance in your scenario accepts a significant degree of risk. If a judgment call must be made to determine the outcome of a negative interaction between Alliances in a case in which one or more Robots is within or extended through the Neutral Zone, <SG10> will apply. For cases where an interaction in or through the Neutral Zone forces a Robot into a Possession Violation, rule <G15> will likely apply and the penalty will simply not be enforced.