Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VRC 2023-2024: Over Under

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1625: <R4> Using External Factors to Stay In Size

Dale Nacianceno

<R4> Robots must fit within an 18” x 18” x 18” volume.

a. Compliance with this rule must be checked using the official VEX Robotics On-Field Robot Expansion Sizing Tool: b. Any restraints used to maintain starting size (i.e., zip ties, rubber bands, etc.) must remain attached to the Robot for the duration of the Match, per <G6>. c. For the purposes of this rule, it can be assumed that Robots will be inspected and begin each Match on a flat standard foam field tile.

  1. Can a Robot use a Preload to stay in size?
  2. Can a Robot use a field perimeter wall to stay in size?
Answered by committee

Thank you for your question. As described in rule <G5>,

Using Field Elements, such as the field perimeter wall, to maintain starting size is only acceptable if the Robot would still satisfy the constraints of <R4> and pass inspection without the Field Elements.

Rule <G5> will be expanded in the next game manual update to include Preloads in this requirement.