The primary questions for clarification are:
- To what extent would controlling a Triball be considered possession/control of a Triball?
- What is "considered" momentary - a bump, one second...? How is this quantified?
The below is supporting material for the first question.
In the Game Manual, the definition of Possession is as follows: "A Robot / Triball status. A Robot is considered to be in Possession of a Triball if the Robot is carrying, holding, or** controlling the movement of a Triball such that if the Robot changes direction, the Triball will move with the Robot**. Therefore, pushing/plowing Triballs is not considered Possession; however, using concave portions of a Robot to control the movement of Triballs is considered Possession."
Per <SG7>, Robots many not "have greater-than-momentary Possession of more than one Triball at once".
Per the definition and SG7, how "controlling the movement of a Triball if the Robot changes direction and the Triball moves with it" be measured or determined?
For example, would the following areas indicated in red be considered possession since the spaces are concave and the Triballs would potentially move with the Robot when it is in motion?
A) The below indicated with a red arrow is a concave space, the Triball would move with the robot when it changes direction (e.g. turns), but would this be considered possession?
B) This below indicated with a red arrow is also concave and also permits the Robot to control the movement of the Triball. Is this considered possession?
C) The below rectangle indicated with a red box is a concave space. Would this be considered possesion? How deep into a Robot must a Triball be to be considered possession? In the case where a Robot can strafe/move laterally, would it be considered possession if the Robot is plowing in addition to holding a Triball in a concave space?
D) The below image is a giant funnel that would control the movement of the Triballs, but at some point the Triballs would fall out if the Robot is turning. Would this be considered possession?
E) The below images are more likely implementations that we might see. The right side design would have more control than the left given the geometry. How much control can have over a Triball(s) before it is considered Possession of more than one?