Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VEXU 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1334: T21 VEX GPS Field Code Strips - VEXU World Championship


VEX GPS Field Code Strips are required for Programming Skills Matches as per Appendix B. T21 notes VEX GPS Field Code Strips on Head-to-Head competition fields as an example of permissible modification.

VEXU Autonomous period is 45 seconds. Programming Skills is 60 seconds. Given Autonomous period is 75% of the Programming Skills duration VEXU teams are likely to utilize more advanced sensing, such as VEX GPS. Can GDC/RECF make a decision if Head-to-Head competition fields at VEXU World Championship will have GPS Field Code Strips present.

Thank you.

Answered by committee

Thank you for your question. All competition fields at the VEX U (and VRC) World Championship will include GPS Field Code Strips based on the current event plan, which is not expected to change. Any Worlds-specific updates or clarifications will be included in the April 4, 2023, game manual update.