Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VEXU 2022-2023: Spin Up

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1186: Window of VEXU Student Eligibility

Jess Zarchi


Student - A person is considered a Student if they meet both of the following criteria:

  1. Anyone who is earning or has earned credit toward a high school diploma, certificate, or other equivalent during the six (6) months preceding the VEX Robotics World Championship. Courses earning credits leading up to high school would satisfy this requirement.

  2. Anyone born after May 1, 2003 (i.e., who will be 19 or younger at VEX Worlds 2023). Eligibility may also be granted based on a disability that has delayed education by at least one year.

• Middle School Student - A Student born after May 1, 2007 (i.e., who will be 15 or younger at VEX Worlds 2023). A Middle School Student may “play up” and compete as a High School Student.

• High School Student - Any eligible Student who is not a Middle School Student.

VUG7 - VEX U Student eligibility.

a. All VEX U Team members MUST be matriculated in a post-secondary school.

b. Professionals not enrolled in post-secondary education are not eligible to participate on a VEX U Team.

c. Students who are dual-enrolled in both a secondary school and in post-secondary courses are not eligible to participate on a VEX U Team.

d. VEX U Team members may only be on exactly one (1) VEX U Team for the season. See <G6>


I have a quick question about when a VEXU student can graduate and still be eligible to compete. The definition of Student solves this for High School and Middle School students with the 6th month window. Does this 6 month window apply for VUR7, allowing VEXU students who graduate within 6 months of the World Championship to compete?

Thank you for your time!

Answered by committee

The definition of Student solves this for High School and Middle School students with the 6th month window. Does this 6 month window apply for VUR7, allowing VEXU students who graduate within 6 months of the World Championship to compete?

Thank you for identifying this oversight! Rule VUG7a was updated in the October 4, 2022 Game Manual update:

All VEX U Team members MUST be matriculated in a post-secondary school OR have earned a post-secondary education diploma, certificate, or other equivalent during the six (6) months preceding the VEX Robotics World Championship. The intent of this rule is to permit students graduating mid-year to still be able to finish their competition season