<VUR5>"There is no restriction on the number of V5 Smart Motors that Robots may use. No other motors, servos, or actuators are permitted, including those sold by VEX." <VUR6>"There is no restriction on sensors and other additional electronics that are used for sensing and processing, except as follows: a. Sensors and electronics MUST be connected to the V5 Robot Brain via any of the externally accessible ports. b. Sensors and electronics CANNOT directly electrically interface with the VEX motors or solenoids. c. The additional sensors and electronics may only receive power from any of the following: i. Directly from the V5 Robot Brain via any externally accessible port. ii. From an additional VEX 7.2V Robot Battery or from a VEX 9.6V Transmitter Battery."
With these rules in mind, would a CPU cooling fan be legal in VEX U? The fan motor, which is not used for any physical robot mechanism actuation, would be attached to and powered off of a single board computer. The computer would be connected to and receive power from the V5 Robot Brain via an externally accessible port.