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Official Q&A: VEXU 2018-2019: Turning Point

Usage Guidelines All Questions

122: Conflict between VEX-U Appendix E and "Robot Inspection Checklist"


From the VEX-U Appendix, the rules allow for any commercial storage tanks, and give no limit on size or number, just the 100 psi limit:

<VUR10> Teams may utilize commercially available pneumatic components from the following list: Cylinders, actuators, valves, gauges, storage tanks, regulators, manifolds, and solenoids.

However, the newly released robot inspection checklist, VEX Parts Inspection point 20, specifies VEX air reservoirs and limits it to two, in conflict with the rules stated in VUR10.

Please clarify which rule is correct, and correct the incorrect one. Thanks!

Answered by Game Design Committee

Thanks for pointing this out! The VEX U inspection checklist will be revised accordingly.

In the future, for errors in non-Game-Manual documents that do not require specific rules clarifications, feel free to email [email protected] .