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Official Q&A: VEXU 2018-2019: Turning Point

Usage Guidelines All Questions

107: <R16> Clarification for VEX U


In VRC rule <R16> f. it is stated that “Welding, soldering, brazing, gluing, or attaching in any way that is not provided within the VEX EDR platform will NOT be allowed.” However, in <VUR3> it states that VEX U teams are allowed to use "An unlimited amount of steel and aluminum." for their designs. Would this mean that soldering or brazing is allowed for VEX U if the team uses steel or aluminum as a filler metal? Furthermore, due to the encouragement of using advanced manufacturing techniques for VEX U, would welding, soldering, brazing, or gluing in general be legal? If not is soldering specifically allowed on additional electronics used for sensing or processing for VEX U?

Answered by Game Design Committee

Welding, brazing,and gluing can be considered acceptable "fabrication" methods within the context of VUR3, and are permitted in VEX U. We will keep this distinction in mind when revising VEX U rules in the future to be more clear.

Soldering additional electronics within the constraints of VUR6 is permitted. However, VEX electronics (including Robot Brains, Motors, Batteries, etc) may still not be modified in any way, including via soldering.