Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Official Q&A: VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024-2025: Rapid Relay

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2445: SC1: Scoring after the match ends

Renne Nance

<SC1> Violation Notes (bullet points 2 & 3) under <SC1> states: "If a team receives three Minor Violations witin the same event, all future <SC1> Violations at that event will be considered Major Violations and Disqualifications." and, "This count does not reset for any reason within an event (e.g., Qualification vs Finals Matches, one of the Team's "dropped score" Matches, etc.)."

Do shots taken after the Timer reaches 0:00 and scored during Skills Matches (Driving/Autonomous) count towards violating SC1nd a, if so, result in a Major Violation and Disqualification if the cumulative total of SC1 violations during Skills and Qualification/Finals matches exceed three (3)?

If a Team has fewer than three SC1 Minor Violations prior to participating in a Finals Match and violates SC1 in their Finals Match, does that count as a Minor Violation (does not receive a disqualification) or as a Major Violation (receives a disqualification)?

Answered by committee

Yes, <SC1> also applies to Skills Matches. The first, second, and third <SC1> Violations received by a Team at an event in any Match type should be recorded as Minor Violations. The fourth and all subsequent <SC1> Violations received by the Team at that event should be considered Major Violations and Disqualifications. For a Skills Match, a Disqualification results in a zero score for that Skills Match.

In your provided example, the team receiving an <SC1> Violation in their Finals Match has not yet exceeded three <SC1> Minor Violations, so the <SC1> violation received in the Finals Match should be a Minor Violation.

Note: We acknowledge that many events do not record Minor Violations that occur in Robot Skills Challenge Matches due to event and staffing logistics, although we recommend that they be recorded alongside Teamwork Match Violations whenever possible.