Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Official Q&A: VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024-2025: Rapid Relay

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2438: Intentional versus nonintentional contact with a field element

Jonathon Delf

Hello, I am wishing to have a clarification of what it means to determine the difference between intentional versus unintentional contact with a field element. The VEX IQ manual describes a field element as "the Field Perimeter, Floor, PVC pipes, and VEX IQ elements that are attached to the field." In trying to fairly referee competitions, we already have rules stating that students cannot walk on the field during a competition, as well as they cannot touch the floor during matches or skills runs. Rule G9 states that "during a Match, Drive Team Members are prohibited from making intentional contact with any Field Element, Robot, or Ball that has been introduced to the Field, except for the allowances in G10, RSC8, SG4, and/or SG6." Would it be fair to state that rule G9 could be rewritten by simply femoving the word "intentional?" I am trying to understand the difference about what the exact differences are between intentional an unintentional contact with a field element are? I have witnessed students grabbing the field elements in the Target out of frustration or excitement, as well as students touching the Field Perimeter and Floor unintentionally, but it is still contact. I wish to seek clarification as to what exactly is intentional versus unintentional contact and wonder if this word is truly necessary in the definition. I feel that if teams know that they have to avoid contacting the field or field elements for any reason in order to make it doesn't happen. Otherwise, the definition of what is intentional versus unintentional is completely subjective. I guess I am not sure what types of contact would be considered legal.
Two other follow up questions are when exactly does the potential contact with the field become a concern. Obviously during a match there is concern, but if a student touches the field by accident while setting their robot on the field before a competition begins, do we need to be critical of this or would accidentally touching the field while setting up a robot not be a concern? Finally, if students bump their feet against the outside of the field perimeter during a match is this a concern or is this not considered to be a problem or score-affecting? I appreciate the exact clarifications. Thank you. <G9>

Answered by committee

We'll start by asking you to review the Q&A Usage Guidelines before posting future questions, specifically note 1, "The Q&A system is for rules clarifications only." Put more pointedly - the Q&A platform is intended to be a communication channel for questions such as "is this interpretation of a rule legal", not a discussion forum for questions such as "I disagree with this rule, can it be changed?” For suggestions or concerns outside of specific and official rules questions, please use the official VEX Forum or email [email protected]. Much of your post is not in line with these guidelines.

We'll address some of your other questions below.

Hello, I am wishing to have a clarification of what it means to determine the difference between intentional versus unintentional contact with a field element.

Head Referees must use their judgment to determine whether a specific action is intentional or unintentional on a case-by-case basis, and we cannot provide a blanket answer beyond what is written in the game manual. However, in most cases accidental or incidental contact that does not affect the Match should not be considered a Violation. The overall intent of this rule is that the game should be played by Robots, not humans.

When exactly does the potential contact with the field become a concern? If a student touches the field by accident while setting their robot on the field before a competition begins, do we need to be critical of this or would accidentally touching the field while setting up a robot not be a concern?

Rule <G9> only prohibits contact with Field Elements, Balls, and Robots during a Match (except as specifically allowed by other specific rules), and there is no rule against contacting the Field while placing a Robot before a Match.

Finally, if students bump their feet against the outside of the field perimeter during a match is this a concern or is this not considered to be a problem or score-affecting?

If this affects the Match or its score, it could reasonably be considered an indirect Violation of <G9> at the Head Referee's discretion.