Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Official Q&A: VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024-2025: Rapid Relay

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2386: Is a student allowed to be on a VRC and IQ team at the same time?


Recently, we have heard some that a student (or students) cannot be on a VRC (Vex robotics competition,aka "metal robotics") and IQ (VIQRC, aka "plastic robotics") team at the same time. There seems to be nothing in the game manual preventing this (and would therefore be legal), and we believed that this has already been clarified in a Q and A in a previous season. However, we want to clarify if this it is still the intent for the GDC to allow students to be both a part of a VRC team and VIQRC team as long as they suffice the definition of a student (under 15 years of age by vex worlds, etc.), and is it officially legal to do this? (G2 is tagged, as the question pertains to whether or not a student in metal is considered a legal student but the definitions section cannot be tagged and a tag must be added) Thanks in advance! -282S

Answered by committee

The rules for VIQRC and V5RC teams do not prohibit a Student from participating in both competitions.

Students (especially Drive Team Members) on both VIQRC and V5RC Teams that are competing at the same event should be expected to choose which Team they are competing with for the duration of that event. “Our driver is in a VIQRC Match” would not be considered an acceptable justification for being late to a V5RC Match (or vice-versa).