<G10> provides a definition of "controlled" for teamwork matches, but <RSC8> is listed as an explicit exception to <G10>. Should the definition for "controlled" from <G10> also apply to <RSC8>?
Secondly, if a robot is partially surrounding a ball, or the ball is in a concave part of the robot but not contacting it, would the ball still be considered being controlled? If the robot's concavity results in the ball being moved when the robot turns as per <G10>, should this still be considered controlling the ball?
Thirdly, if a robot is supporting a ball that is also supported by the goal or goal wall, is this considered controlled by the robot? This could involve three scenarios after the robot is pulled away:
- the ball remains partially in the goal due to the switch mechanism squeezing it,
- the ball falls down onto the field tiles, out of the goal once the robot is handled (attached image).
- the ball falls through the goal wall, would the ball be considered scored or removed?.
Scenario 3 video: https://sydneyrobotics.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/srastaffgroup/Eds6-pBhY01KlH75J2-qeoABDPoeJZxbP9Sz3B6WvOEJvg?e=d93bjg