<RSC4>RSC4a states, "Starting Zone 2 (i.e., the one closest to the Loading Station) is the only Starting Zone that may be used for Rapid Loading." Does that mean the robot must come in contact with the ball in zone 2 prior to the ball leaving zone 2 or does it mean the ball must touch down in zone 2 but could roll into zone 1 prior to the robot coming in contact with the ball?
Official Q&A: VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024-2025: Rapid Relay
2137: Rapid loading during robot skills (driving and autonomous) challenges
Answered by committee
A Rapid Load Ball must be retrieved from the specific Starting Zone it was introduced into, and may not leave that Starting Zone until it is removed by a Robot action. For example, a Ball that is Rapid Loaded into Starting Zone 2 cannot leave Starting Zone 2 until it is removed by a Robot action.