Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VEX IQ Robotics Competition 2024-2025: Rapid Relay

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2129: Scoring Clarification for <SC6> clause C situations, please

Rhonda Clauss

<SC6> clause c states: *If no Switches have been Cleared at the end of the Match, the maximum number of points that can be received for Passes is four (4). The only way this can occur is if Balls are repeatedly Passed and then sent out of the Field without being Scored.

This clause only addresses Passes ("the maximum number of points that can be received FOR PASSES is"). There is nothing in the scoring information that indicates that GOALS scored (in the odd case that the switch did not clear and <SC6> clause c. comes into play) will not receive points. Yet, in both the VIQRC Hub app scoring calculator as well as in one of the questions in the Head Referee Exam, scored goal(s) are not being accumulated in the absence of a cleared switch. Since this is likely the intended case based on the VIQRC Hub scoring calculator, then it should be clarified both here and in the manual that the goal points are not counted until a switch IS cleared (or vice-versa--if it never should have had that limitation, that the scored goals are being accurately counted in the software points accumulation).

Example: 1 Goal scored, 0 switches cleared, 3 passes = only 3 points (which is based solely on the clause c provision of no switches being cleared and passes being counted up to four points). Yet there is nothing in the scoring information that specifically addresses WHY the 1 scored goal is not being counted, yet that is the case. I feel this is important just in case anyone has need to use paper forms for scoring, since this is not clear.

Answered by committee

There is no requirement that a Goal be Scored for a Switch to count as Cleared, or for a Switch to be Cleared for a Goal to count as Scored. This scoring logic should be correct in both Tournament Manager and VIQRC Hub for all Match types following an upcoming software update.