<SG6> states:
[The Loader] may not reach into the Field until the Ball contacts the Floor [of the Pickup Zone]
Furthermore, the subsequent Note provides advice on keeping hands in a staging area.
- This implies that "into the Field" means crossing the imaginary plane along the outer edge of the field perimeter. The definition of "Field" in the manual does not state that a Field is an infinitely high 3D volume. Is this the correct interpretation of "into the Field"?
- Does <SG6.a> apply to all Loaders in the Match, including ones not near the Pickup Zone? For example, a second Loader is waiting to catch a ball at the Loading Station. May that Loader's body cross the plane "into the Field" while waiting, or must all Loaders wait until a Ball touches the Pickup Zone floor before reaching "into the Field"?
- Related, <G10> states "Students cannot step into the Field at any time". The term "step" implies a foot is involved. So is it OK for driver hands to pass the plane "into the Field", or must they also take care to never cross the plane?
- Moreover <G9> has the heading "Hands out of the Field" but otherwise says nothing about hands merely crossing into the field volume, only about contacting things. Does "Hands out of the Field" also mean that Drivers must never cross the plane?
Thank you for any clarification.