R4.c.I : Robot starting configuration required to be inspected, if robot has more than one configuration - does the word configuration refer to different parts / mechanisms (ie an extra claw) or to the configuration of a robot, itself (ie an extended claw)?
These are both possible applications of the word "configuration".
Our specific question is that our claw could be retracted and fit in the required footprint of R4.b -- but if extended, would not fit.
<R4> and <G5> refer specifically to starting configurations. In your example, if the Robot is never intended to start the Match with the claw extended (i.e. never violates G5), then that configuration would not apply to R4.
However, bear in mind that <SG2> still applies during Matches. Compliance with both <R4> and <SG2> are usually checked alongside each other during inspection, but can technically be handled separately. In your example, we would recommend incorporating a "hard stop" or software limit into any extendable mechanism, to more clearly demonstrate to inspectors that the Robot is prepared to comply with <SG2> during Matches.