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Official Q&A: VIQRC 2023-2024: Full Volume

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1817: December 6 revisions to VIQRC 2023-2024: Full Volume game manual rule SC1b

Renne Nance

<SC1>The addition of SC1b to the game manual seems counterintuitive. First, in a teamwork challenge match, the Alliance partner, through no fault of their own, is penalized for a violation of the offending team. I know of no other rule where the Alliance partner is penalized because of the rule violating team. Second, teams/alliances may purposely have to play below their full potential. Also, SC1b, seems to nullify aspects of SC1.

Scenario: Prior to the end of a match Alliance A-B has scored 2 level 2, uniform goals. The third goal is also uniform and just shy of reaching level 2. Instead of partially parking (5 points) Team A decides to take the blocks they have already accumulated and score them into the third goal for the purpose of having three level 2, uniform goals (10 points more than the highest common level of 1). With just seconds left in the match, Team A positions their robot to dispense the blocks into the third goal; vertically extends the block collection mechanism to it's desired height beginning to dispense blocks via gravity flow prior to the match timer going 00:00; and, ceases to control the robot (driver and program control). However, prior to all of the blocks being dispensed from the robot the timer turns 00:00 signaling the end of the match and blocks continue to gravity flow into the goal.

Under the above scenario, would all blocks deposited into a goal not count according to SC1b? I realize, at this time, there are two questions in Q&A that have not been answered that address some, if not all, of my concerns.

Answered by committee

Under the above scenario, would all blocks deposited into a goal not count according to SC1b?

This is correct. The third goal would be considered "empty", and the Match would be scored as having two level 2 Uniform Goals.

However, prior to all of the blocks being dispensed from the robot the timer turns 00:00 signaling the end of the match and blocks continue to gravity flow into the goal.

This is an accurate description of a scenario that SC1-b is intended to provide guidance for.