I have a question about a conflict between the answer given in Q1697 and <SC1>. Part of the answer from the GDC stated, "Points scored during a Score Affecting violation should not be removed from the final score for an Alliance Partner that was not Disqualified." However, <SC1> a. states "Any Scoring which takes place after the Match due to Robots continuing to move will not count." My question involves three scenarios we recently saw at an event:
(1) Robot was in the process of unloading Cubes into Goal 1 at 0:00; the driver had placed the controller down and the Robot did not move. Cubes continued to fall into the Goal. It was not clear exactly how many Cubes were in the Goal before time ran out.
(2) Robot was in the process of unloading Cubes into Goal 1 at 0:00; the driver had placed the controller down and the Robot continued to lift, allowing more Cubes to rise above the top of the Goal and fall in. It was not clear exactly how many Cubes were in the Goal before time ran out.
(3) Robot was in the process of unloading Cubes into Goal 1 at 0:00; the driver had placed the controller down and the Robot then drove forward until it became Partially Parked.
What should the ruling have been in each of these circumstances, given the apparent contradiction between <SC1> and the Q&A response quoted above? Would any of these scenarios merit a DQ for egregious score-affecting violations? Should the points scored after 0:00 been counted? Should the points have been counted, but only for the alliance partner?