<SG1><SG1> Can a part of a robot hang beyond the outside of the field in order to touch the Field Perimeter wall? The robot in question is 20" long but has a triangle piece that extends about 1 inch past the outside of the Field Perimeter when the lower part of the robot is in contact with the perimeter. <SG1> Pre-match setup. At the beginning of a Match, each Robot must meet the following criteria:
- Not contacting any Blocks, Goals or their supporting structure, Starting Pegs, or other Robots.
- Fit within an 11” wide x 20” long x 15” high (279mm x 508mm x 381mm) volume, as checked during inspection per <R3>.
- Contacting the inside and/or top face of the Field Perimeter wall that is between Goals I and II. See Figure 18.