Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

The Q&A is closed for the 2021-2022 season. Any rule changes or clarifications pertaining to the 2022 VEX Robotics World Championship will be included in the April 5 Game Manual Update. Teams attending VEX Worlds who wish to pre-submit questions for the driver's meeting should have received a contact form via email; if not, please contact your REC Foundation Team Engagement Manager for more information.

Official Q&A: VIQC 2021-2022: Pitching In

Usage Guidelines All Questions

926: Driver skills-driver movement


RSC7 states "During a Programming Skills Match, Drivers may move freely around the Field, and are not restricted to the Driver Station when not handling their Robot." Can we get clarification on the word around. Does this mean the student can grab the robot to move it, but must walk around the board to the next starting position or can a student walk across the board?

Answered by committee

Does this mean the student can grab the robot to move it, but must walk around the board to the next starting position

Yes, this is what it means.

or can a student walk across the board?

Walking on the Field is never permitted in any situation, including while doing an RSC7 re-positioning.

Also - as quoted, RSC7 only applies during Programming Skills Matches. Driving Skills Matches are still governed by <G18>, especially for strategic violation.