Looking for confirmation on how we are reading this definition. Scored in Low Goal - the Ball is partially within the three-dimensional area... Because the wording does not include any mention of a ball that is touching the floor outside of the Low Goal, we conclude that a ball that is resting on the floor outside of Low Goal and partially within the three-dimensional area is scored. If you were to use Figure 12 as a visual aid, move the image of the ball 1.00" to the right and you will see the example illustrated above.
To be extra clear, a ball in our example is not touching the teal PVC pipes and is NOT supported or touching the teal VEX IQ wedge parts attached to the floor. The ball is fully resting on the floor outside of the Low Goal and the ball DOES break the plane of the infinite vertical projection of the Low Goal, made by the VEX IQ wedge Parts. This ball would be scored.
Please confirm. Thank you