I am looking for confirmation on how we are reading the definition of "Starting Position" and <G4> Pre-Match setup, at the beginning of a match. "Any one of the designated 11x19" volumes of the field where robots must start the match." No mention, in the definition or in <G4>, is made about robots needing to be on opposite sides or opposite halves (divided by the Low Bar).
The confusion is that all images of robots in starting positions in the game manual show the two teamwork robots starting along opposite long sides and on different sides (not on the same side of Low Bar). We believe that the images are NOT to be interpreted as a requirement or limitation for where each team may choose to start the match.
Meaning, let us consider Starting Positions to be named #1 - #8. If Team #1 chooses to setup their robot in Spot #1, Team #2 could choose to setup their robot in any of the other 7 "Starting Position"(s), including the spot that may be adjacent to Spot #1 where Robot #1 choose to start.
Is this reading of the rules correct?