<G14> Don’t damage the Field. Robots may not grasp, grapple, or attach to any Field Elements other than the Hanging Bar. Strategies with mechanisms that react against multiple sides of a Field Element in an effort to latch or clamp onto said Field Element are prohibited. ... b. While the Hanging Bars are excluded from this rule, their supporting structures are not. Incidental contact with other Field Elements while Hanging will not be penalized, but Teams are not permitted to grapple, clamp, or attach to any Field Elements other than the Hanging Bars while Hanging. ... BLUE BOX: The key words in this rule are “clamping” or “anchoring”. The intent of this rule is to prevent Robots from actions which could unintentionally damage the Field during standard gameplay. Passive contact that does not cause damage, such as bumping into the clear plastic sheet or using Field Elements for alignment, are fine.
I have seen some damage happening to the plastic sheet when students attempt to high hang. While the blue box refers to anchoring, the word isn't found in the rule. Are students allowed to anchor their bot on the plastic sheet while attempting to high hang?