Going through the manual in detail, I want to make sure I am understanding the intent of a cleared Corral correctly.
Cleared states: "A Starting Corral status. A Starting Corral is considered Cleared at the end of a Match if no Balls are contacting the Floor inside of the Starting Corral. Referees can check any Balls in question by sliding a piece of paper between the Ball and the Floor."
And Starting Corral states: "One of two areas of the Floor on either end of the Field, each of which are bound by the Field perimeter and the outside of the solid black line closest to the 6’ edge of the Field. The Starting Corral is defined as this portion of the Floor, not the three-dimensional volume above it."
Then in these two situations the Corral would be cleared assuming all other balls are clear of the Starting Corral. 1.) The ball is contacting the field just outside the Starting Corral, since the ball is a sphere only a small portion is touching the field at any giving time. It is very possible to have a portion of the ball overhanging into the Starting Corral 3-D space. As long as the ball isn't touching the Starting Corral floor(2-D) we would count it as cleared.
2.) A robot or part of a robot has prevented the ball(s) from touching the floor inside the Starting Corral.
Thank you for your assistance in this manner,