Please review the Q&A Usage Guidelines, specifically point 3, "Quote the applicable rule from the latest version of the manual in your question", and point 4, "Make a separate post for each question".
The definitions of Scored and Corner Goal read as follows, with some portions bolded for emphasis:
Scored - A Game Object is Scored if it satisfies one of the following conditions, and is not touching a Robot.
A Cube is Scored in a Corner Goal if any part of it is contacting a Corner Goal of the same color as the Cube. See the definition of Corner Goal for specific details.
Corner Goal – One of the four 6” square goals located in the corners of the Floor that are used to Score Cubes. The inside edges of the black lines surrounding the Corner Goal mark the outer edges of the goal. The Corner Goal is defined as this portion of the Floor, not the 3-dimensional volume above it. The field perimeter and black lines are not considered part of the Corner Goal.
The Cube in the photo you have attached appears to be only contacting the black lines surrounding the Corner Goal, not the Corner Goal itself. Therefore, it would not be considered Scored.
Also, at our recent state event, a REC Emcee told us to take off the corner goal colored piece #026 2 x 12 and hold it parallel to corner goal and swipe it within the scoring zone ... said if the piece touches the cube then it is scored. Please clarify this as well.
We are not sure how to visualize the test you are describing. As quoted above, the primary concern when determining whether a Cube is Scored is to check if the Cube is contacting the Corner Goal. Visual checks or "paper tests" (attempting to slide a piece of paper under the Cube to see where it contacts the Floor) are usually all that is necessary.