Is the match over at the start of the final buzzer or the end of the final buzzer?
Official Q&A: VIQC 2019-2020: Squared Away
587: Match over at start or end of buzzer
The definition of "Match" is as follows:
Match - A Driving Skills Match, Programming Skills Match, or Teamwork Match.
Driving Skills Match - A Driver Controlled period that is sixty seconds (1:00) long with only one (1) Robot on the Field.
Programming Skills Match - An Autonomous period that is sixty seconds (1:00) long with only one (1) Robot on the Field.
Skills Match - A Driving Skills Match or Programming Skills Match.
Teamwork Match - A Driver Controlled period that is sixty seconds (1:00) long with one (1) Alliance on the Field.
When using the official Tournament Manager software, the first buzzer sounds once the 1:00 on the screen begins to count down, and the second buzzer sounds as soon as the timer hits 0:00. Therefore, in order to ensure a 60-second match, Teams should begin driving at the beginning of the first sound, and end at the beginning of the ending sound.