We have a few questions about the rules regarding autonomous:
If we have the robot stack a green cube onto the platform, and the cube falls onto the field, are we allowed to move the cube off the field? Or do we have to leave the cube where it is?
When using the "loophole", the robot lifts the cube up and once the cube is off the ground or in control by the robot, a team member immediately takes the cube and places it near the scoring zone. What will happen (in terms of disqualification, etc.) if he/she accidentally picks up the cube when the robot drops it. Would they just quickly place the cube back to where it originally was? Or would they get a warning? Or would they get disqualified?
There is a gap where the cube fits perfectly between the wall and another cube. Would it be legal for he/she to place a cube there? (Shown in the picture down below) Along the process of putting a blue cube in that space (in between the wall and the red cube), if the blue cube nudges the red cube over a tiny bit, what will be the consequences for that?