G17 does not specify a limited window of time given to a Team to repair their Robot, with the following caveats:
- At a minimum, the Robot must have actually met one of the criteria listed in G17 ("goes completely outside the playing Field, gets stuck, tips over, or otherwise requires assistance").
- There are some scenarios where a Head Referee could interpret taking an extended amount of time as a strategic exploit. Debating how much is an acceptable window of time, or what contextual situations would be considered strategic, is missing the intent of G17 and the role of a Head Referee's judgment call. We would advise Head Referees to give Teams the "benefit of the doubt" when a Robot is legitimately damaged or otherwise requires assistance.
- Any scenario where a Team has coerced another Team to utilize G17 as a tactic to "stay out of their way" would likely lead to a G1 and/or Code of Conduct investigation.
The explicit scenario described in your question would be legal, as the snapshot description implies that the Robot was indeed damaged beyond repair.