With RSC5 allowing teams to move cubes to a 'strategic' position in Programming Skills, the most common place to move the cube is along the wall, inside a Blue/Red cube.
<RSC5> A Team may handle their Robot as many times as desired during a Programming Skills Match. b. Any Game Objects being controlled by the Robot while being handled must be removed from the Robot and gently placed in a non-Scored position by the Team.
As a Skills Referee, how do we handle the situation when a team uses RSC5 to move a cube in between the wall and a Blue/Red cube, but unintentionally bumps/moves/shifts the position of the cube that was already there.
- Would this fall under G9 where "Drivers are prohibited from making intentional contact with any Field Element, Game Object, or Robot during a Match, except for the allowances..". It is match effecting, it determines whether a team can get 10 more points, moving them up/down in the rank. If so, how do we decide to warn or DQ in this situation.
- If no warning or DQ, then what do we do about the cube that was shifted? Leave it? Move it back?
- Or do we do nothing. Just ignore that the students unintentionally shifted game elements while they strategically place a cube?
- Or do you have other insight in how to handle this?
Can you help me give a skills referee direction in how to handle this specific situation for an upcoming State Championship?