The proposed programming strategy was shared by a student at our 1/31/2020 team meeting at which time the student also reported the proposed strategy to Move Game Objects 7 feet across the board had been also confirmed as ‘legal’ by unnamed VEX/REC contact.
At 2/1/2020 competition others students on our team observed and questioned the local Skills Judge who ruled the strategy outlined below was ‘legal’ when another team was using it to Strategically Move Game Objects 7 feet across the board in Programming Skills Matches.
The proposed programming strategy is to:
- Program the robot to pick up and ‘control’ 1 or 2 Blue cubes and then stop
- Reset the robot to legal starting position on opposite side of board [RSC5a]
- Reset the Game Objects ‘controlled by the robot’ (1 or 2 Blue cubes) into non-scored position [RSC5b]
- The non-Scored position though is 7 feet across the board and directly adjacent to Blue Corner Goal [appears to be inconsistent with G17 ‘not intended for Teams to use as part of a strategy to gain an advantage during a Match, including via moving Game Objects’]
- Program the robot push the 1 or 2 Blue cubes into the Blue Corner Goal and then stop
- Repeat steps 1-5 listed above except these steps will be done for Red Cubes
There have been at least 2 posted responses ‘ Answered by Game Design Committee’ on this topic of Strategically Moving Game Objects which appear to differ either in interpretation of the rules or distinction between Driving (not legal) and Programming (Legal) to Strategically Move Game Objects 7 feet across the board.
- Initial response to question about Driving match: ‘could result in a possible Disqualification’
- More recent response about Programming match: ‘legal within RSC5, which supersedes G17 for Programming Skills Matches’ There are other Q&A, which include videos ( and which are also seeking clarification from Game Design Committee about ‘legally’ Moving Game Objects.
Though noting that can be done to clarify past rulings about Strategically Moving Game Objects at past competitions, it would be particularly helpful to teams and event partners to clarify the ‘legality’ of Strategically Moving of Game Objects for future Driving and/or Programming matches and Teamwork competitions.