When a robot claw is entangled in the cube, and the driver puts the robot back in a legal starting position, where should they put the cube? Just next to the starting position? or where the cube was before they picked up the robot as long as it is non-scored position? Should the referee adjust the position of the cube if he/she is not happy with the placement by the driving team?
<G17> Rule G17: Handling the Robot mid-match is allowed under certain circumstances. If a Robot goes completely outside the playing Field, gets stuck, tips over, or otherwise requires assistance, the Team’s Drivers may retrieve & reset the Robot. To do so, they must: a. Signal the Head Referee by placing their VEX IQ Controller on the ground. b. Move the Robot to any legal Starting Position. c. Any Game Object being controlled by the Robot while being handled must be removed from the Robot and gently placed in a non-Scored position by the Team. d. Any Game Objects in the Starting Position may be moved out of the Starting Position and gently placed into a non-Scored position by the Team.