Last year, the rules for cutting shafts was permitted as long as they were "equivalent to legal VEX IQ shafts", to quote from the updated game manual:
<R13> Parts may NOT be modified. a. Examples of modifications include, but are not limited to, bending, cutting, sanding, gluing or melting. b. Cutting metal VEX EDR shafts to lengths which are equivalent to legal VEX IQ shafts is permitted. This is the only legal exception to this rule.
but this year, the rules state that custom lengths are permitted:
<R13> Parts may NOT be modified. a. Examples of modifications include, but are not limited to, bending, cutting, sanding, gluing, or melting. b. Cutting metal VEX IQ or VEX EDR shafts to custom lengths is permitted. This is the only legal exception to this rule.
Will this be a permanent change to the rules or will there be a chance that the rules will change back to them being equivalent to legal VEX IQ shafts?