Please define "the Alliance's side of the Autonomous Line" for use in rules SC8.2 and T19.b.
As one of the conditions for an Autonomous Win Point to be awarded, SC8.2 requires
- A minimum of two (2) Stakes on the Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line with at least (1) Ring of the Alliance’s color Scored
T19.b requires a similar criteria to determine "Mobile Goals on their side of the Autonomous Line" in a 3-3 tied Elim match.
b. Any Elimination Match that ends in a tied score with no Scored Rings and no Robots that have Climbed to a Level may be decided by the quantity of Mobile Goals that are fully on each side of the Autonomous Line. The Alliance with a higher quantity of Mobile Goals completely on their side of the Autonomous Line, and not in contact with the Autonomous Line, at the end of the Match should be awarded the value of one (1) Scored Top Ring for that Match. If the Alliances have an equal number of Mobile Goals on their side of the Autonomous Line, a tiebreaker Match should be played.
For SC8 and T19, should the definition of Autonomous Line include both pair of lines making the boundary of their autonomous zone the edge of the tape line closest to them?
Autonomous Line – The pair of white tape lines that run across the field, and the space between those lines. See <SG7> for more information.
Or should an "Alliance's side of the Autonomous Line" be determined in the same way it is for SG7 violations where teams have up to the furthest edge of the tape line away from them?
Or should the guidance be the note from SG7 that says objects positioned over the Autonomous Line are "not considered to be on either side."
Or can scoring a ring on a stake that ends partially in both autonomous zones, for example a mobile goal that has fallen over, count toward AWP since the Stake would still technically be on their side of the Autonomous Line? In which case, if there is both a red and blue ring on the stake, can we count it for both? (Say yes.....pleeeease????)
I know you can't tell it in the picture, but the mobile goal is mostly over the red auton zone with the stake fully in the red auton zone. Does this mobile goal meet the criteria for AWP since the requirement is for the STAKE (PVC pipe and barb only) to be on the red side and not the entire MOBILE GOAL (includes hexagonal base)?
Look forward to the clarification of Autonomous Line for both SC8 (specifies STAKE) and T19 (specifies MOBILE GOAL) purposes. Thanks!