Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
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Official Q&A: VEX V5 Robotics Competition 2024-2025: High Stakes

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2261: Clarification on Sc8

Dustin Scott

<SC8>SC8-2 states a minimum of two (2) Stakes on the Alliance’s side of the Autonomous Line with at least (1) Ring of the Alliance’s color Scored. Does that mean that both stakes must have a ring scored on them or could a team score all 3 rings on one stake and then have another empty stake on their alliance's side of the field?

Example scenario:

Team 1 grabs stake and scores 3 red rings on that 1 stake. Team 2 drives and contacts ladder. No one touched 2nd stake that is already placed on Alliance's side of the field. Would they receive AWP since they have 3 rings scored, 2 stakes on their side of the field with 1 alliance ring scored and are in contact with the ladder?

Answered by committee

At least one Ring of the Alliance's color must be Scored on each Stake that is used to meet the 2nd Autonomous Win Point criteria (<SC8>).