Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
Inspiring students, one robot at a time.

Official Q&A: VEX V5 Robotics Competition 2024-2025: High Stakes

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2026: Indirect Possession


Would it be a violation of SG6 if Robot1 possessing one Mobile Goal pushes Robot2 also possessing one Mobile Goal?
Does this change at all if Robot2 is only plowing the 2nd Mobile Goal/ the 2nd Mobile Goal only gets moved because of the pushing?

If Robot1 and Robot2 happen to become entangled during the match, does this change as now the Robots moreso could be seen as possessing the other elements, would this mean they could no longer attempt to move other elements etc?

This question is similar to the following from last season:

Answered by committee

Thank you for your questions. No, a Robot that is lifting, raising, or otherwise interacting with another Robot that is in Possession of one or more Scoring Objects is not considered to be in Possession of that Robot's Scoring Objects.